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Conscientious Objection & Discussion

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Conscientious objection is a right, but not in Cyprus.

The draft text is ready, but not in practice yet.

Years, months and days have gone by and the day has come when Halil Karapaşaoğlu’s case will be heard in the Military Court on the 3rd of January.

This is not just a case of ‘not doing your military service’, but a matter of principle, life philosophy, a matter of rights. This case belongs to all of us.

Let’s get together with Halil Karapaşaoğlu and Haluk Selam Tufanlı and have a chat. Let’s talk, listen, and discuss. Maybe they’ll hear us, and on the 3rd of January, finally grant us our right to conscientious objection.

Date: 20 December 2018, Thursday.

Time: 19:30-22:30

Location: Famagusta Castle Arcade