European Parliament Candidates “Jasmine Movemenet” signed LGBTI + Friendly Candidate Pledge

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The 2019 European Parliament elections come in an increasingly polarized social and political climate. The very core values and standards upon which the EU was founded – respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law – are being called into question and human rights, in particular the human rights of LGBTI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Plus) people, are facing a forceful challenge.

Queer Cyprus Association called on European Parliament Candidates to sign LGBTI + Friendly Candidate Pledge in Mid-April for the upcoming European Parliament election. LGBTI + Friendly Candidate Pledge signed by ”Jasmine Movement” Zeki Beşiktepeli, Faize Özdemirciler, Şener Levent, Oz Karahan, Leyla Hüseyin (Kıralp) and Ibrahim Aziz.

As Queer Cyprus Association (QCA), under ILGA Europe organization carryied out a campaign regarding candidates who pledge to be involved in issues of LGBTI+ within their respective countries that they will be representing at the Parliament. The pledge that is signed by `Jasmine Movement` has five issues such as;

  1. Strengthening of protection in EU law and policy,
  2. Ensuring an enabling environment for LGBTI+ human rights defenders,
  3. Being an ally to under represented voices,
  4. Ensuring EU leadership on LGBTI+ rights, and
  5. Harnessing the power of the MP’s position.


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