Attitudes toward sexual orientation and
gender diversity in a locally representative
sample in northern part of Cyprus
Queer Cyprus was founded to combat discrimination based on language, ethnic origin, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression in the northern part of Cyprus. Over the years, through successful implementation of projects and advocacy efforts, Queer Cyprus has achieved a number of conquests, including enhancing awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and plus (LGBTI+) issues, and influencing policy and legal contexts toward protection of LGBTI+’s. Although significant steps have been made toward recognizing LGBTI+’s as a legitimate community with specific requirements, there are still a number of hurdles to overcome.
This publication is a concise summary of the findings of a survey conducted with a representative sample from the northern part of Cyprus which aimed to understand homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and negative attitudes toward nonconforming.
By understanding levels of negative attitudes toward the LGBTI+ community, it will better enable QCA and other organizations, to create a roadmap for future projects and advocacy campaigns dedicated to enhancing equality.
On behalf of QCA,
Shenel Husnu Raman
Full version of the report: Survey Report
Diversity of Colours Project: towards a Cyprus where all colours, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and many more (LGBTI+), can be together!
The Diversity of Colours Project aims to prevent discrimination and make human rights for LGBTI+ more accessible in the northern part of Cyprus. The Diversity of Colours Project, which started in December 2018 and will continue for three years, is funded by the Cypriot Civil Society in Action VI Programme of the European Union and is implemented by Queer Cyprus Association.