November 2023

Joint Statement: Condemnation of Gaza Human Rights Violations – Κοινή δήλωση: Καταδίκη των παραβιάσεων των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στη Γάζα

We, the members of Queer Collective, Queer Cyprus Association, and Accept LGBTI Cyprus, strongly denounce the ongoing human rights violations and breaches of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza. As advocates for LGBTQI+ rights, social justice, and human freedoms, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinians’ absolute right to self-determination. The worsening situation in Gaza has

Joint Statement: Condemnation of Gaza Human Rights Violations – Κοινή δήλωση: Καταδίκη των παραβιάσεων των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στη Γάζα Read More »

Queer Cyprus Association Held “LGBTI+ Inclusive Health is Possible!” Roundtable Meeting with Health Professionals.

The “LGBTI+ Inclusive Health is Possible!” Roundtable was held at the Universal Patient Right Association within the scope of the Rainbow Project funded by the European Union under the Cypriot Civil Society in Action VII Grant Scheme and implemented by the Queer Cyprus Association. The meeting was organized with the aim of contributing to the

Queer Cyprus Association Held “LGBTI+ Inclusive Health is Possible!” Roundtable Meeting with Health Professionals. Read More »

Queer Cyprus Association Held “LGBTI+ Inclusive Education is Possible!” Roundtable Meeting with Teachers and Psychological Counsellors and Guidance Professionals.

The “LGBTI+ Inclusive Education is Possible!” Roundtable discussion was held at the KTÖS Workshop Room within the scope of the Rainbow Project funded by the European Union under the Cypriot Civil Society in Action VII Grant Scheme and implemented by the Queer Cyprus Association. The meeting was organized with the aim of contributing to the

Queer Cyprus Association Held “LGBTI+ Inclusive Education is Possible!” Roundtable Meeting with Teachers and Psychological Counsellors and Guidance Professionals. Read More »

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