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Queer Diversity Conference 2020

Queer Diversity Conference: LGBTI+ Movement in Cyprus


Date: 28 November 2019, Saturday

Time: 10:00 – 15:00

This webinar aims to improve access of LGBTI+’s to human rights and to prevent discrimination in the northern part of Cyprus. The conference will be organised by the Diversity of Colours Project which started on December 2018 and will continue for 3 years. It is funded by the European Union under the “Cypriot Civil Society in Action VI” Grant Scheme and implemented by Queer Cyprus Association.

The webinar will include plenary sessions, and thematic panel discussions on Queer Cyprus Publications, LGBTI+ Health, LGBTI+ Law and LGBTI+ Education.

There is no participation fee for the conference, and there will be simultaneous Turkish, English and Greek interpretation.

During the speeches, Turkish sign language interpretation will be provided.

Participants who participate whole day will get a certificate of attendance.

Also, coupons will be provided during the webinar for the catering of two coffee breaks, and lunch.

Promotional materials will be delivered to your home based on the request so that please indicate it in the registration form

Please fill the form for the registration.