Press Releases

Initiative Against Homophobia will be on the streets on May 1st!

Initiative Against Homophobia has been working towards the goal of creating a new world in which patriarchy is demolished and nobody is discriminated based on their gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Initiative Against Homophobia which bases its work on feminist theory and challenges patriarchy, heterosexism and all forms of gender-based discrimination, aims to inspire, support and coordinate with all initiatives that work towards the goal of achieving equality, liberation and justice. For this reason we will be on the streets on May 1st, in order to express that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, who are ignored in families, schools, unions, streets, television, newspapers and literature, actually exist! We will be on the streets to fight against the system which ignores, judges and degrades homosexuality and discriminates against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals! We will be there to remind people that homosexual public servants, teachers, doctors, lawyers and workers also exist! We are aware of the fact that homophobia is not only an issue for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals but also an issue for heterosexual women and men. Gender-based discrimination in work life oppresses workers/public servants in the form of an invisible violence. Unions should not take part in this oppression by ignoring lesbian and gay workers/public servants. A lesbian and gay workers union should be established in order to create a more livable life! We also invite all heterosexual workers/public servants for support.
With the occasion of May 1st, we would like to express out embarrassment about the articles in Chapter 154 of the Penal Code which criminalize homosexuality. We request that the Penal Code is changed immediately!
We invite all who support our cause to join us at the Terminal on 1 May 2009 at 17:30 to walk to the Taksim area in the buffer zone.


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