4 March HPV Awareness Day

4 March HPV Awareness Day

4th of March International HPV Awareness day; Be aware of it, learn about it, and share what you learnt.

Every year, the 4th of March is celebrated as the International HPV Awareness Day to raise awareness about the HPV (Human Papillomavirus). HPV is a viral infection that usually causes cervical cancer or warts. HPV is a type of virus that often goes unnoticed and transmitted between people, regardless of their gender, often sexually or through other forms of contact (such as skin-to-skin or mucosal contact). While HPV has more than 100 types, some types cause genital warts and others may cause different types of cancer. On the other hand, some types of HPV do not pose any physical risks. Many types of HPV do not cause cancer and can heal on their own with the strength of the immune system without treatment. The most important factor in eliminating HPV from the body is a strong immune system. Also, just because a person is infected with HPV does not mean they have or will definitely have cancer. HPV can affect physical health as well as cause intense emotional stress. Regular smear tests, wearing protection in sexual relations and vaccination are recommended to protect against the risks that HPV may pose. It must also be said that gynecological examination and smear test are very important for diagnosis. Thanks to early diagnosis and treatment in addition to regular cervical screening (PAP smear and HPV tests) and follow-ups the negative consequences of most cervical cancer risks are minimized. In order to be protected against HPV, the most appropriate period for vaccination , as recommended by the experts, starts from the age of 9 and especially before the initial sexual activity. Moreover, the importance of HPV vaccine is frequently emphasized as a very effective method in eliminating the negative consequences of HPV. Although it is the most common type of infection that people encounter, awareness about HPV is not given sufficient attention. In addition to informing the society about HPV by experts, the right of access to treatment, which is the most fundamental right of each individual, should also be provided free of charge to everyone in the diagnosis and treatment of HPV. Presently, it is stated on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus that the HPV vaccine to read the news click. ‘Is recommended free of charge for girls and recommended for a fee for boys.’ As the Queer Cyprus Association, our wish is for everyone to have the right to equal access to health, regardless of gender. You can get more detailed information by contacting the gynecology, infectious diseases, dermatology departments of Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital or other hospitals and consulting the experts about the subject.

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