The second of two Expert Focus Group Meetings in health and education area was held on the 9th of March 2023 at the Human Rights House within the scope of the Rainbow Project which is funded by the European Union under the Cypriot Civil Society in Action VII Grant Scheme and implemented by the Queer Cyprus Association.
The results and recommendations of the “Mapping the Attitudes of Health and Education Professionals towards LGBTI+s” and the “Gap Analysis of Education Curricula” were discussed with experts working in the health and education sectors within the scope of the 2nd Expert focus group meeting. These research studies will form the basis for the development of LGBTI+ inclusive education modules. The content of the capacity-building training modules for the professionals working in the health and education sector will be prepared in the light of the needs and gaps emerging from the result of the Mapping and Gap Analyses studies, and will include general LGBTI+ terminology, roots of discrimination and prevention methods, and methods to improve LGBTI+s’ right to access health and education.
Representatives of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union (KTÖS), the Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers’ Union (KTOEÖS), the Cyprus Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association (KT-PDRD), Cyprus Turkish Psychologists Association and the Queer Cyprus Association’s education team attended the Expert Focus Group Meeting for education professionals. Representatives of the the Cyprus Turkish Nurses and Midwives Union (CTNMU), the Cyprus Turkish Psychologists Association (CTPA), the Universal Patient Rights Association (UPRA), the Think Positive Initiative (TPI) and the Queer Cyprus Association’s health team attended the Expert Focus Group Meeting for health professionals.
In the first part of the meeting, research expert Prof. Dr. Şenel Hüsnü Raman presented the findings, results and suggestions on the Attitude Mapping study for health and education professionals towards LGBTI+s to the participants. Following Prof. Raman’s presentation, a session was held where the participants gave suggestions and feedback on the research results and recommendations. In the second part, Yasemin Taneri, the research expert of the Curriculum Gap Analysis for Education, presented the findings, results and recommendations of the research to the participants, and at the end of the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the experts and research teams, make suggestions and discuss the work that had been done so far.
The reports that will be completed after the expert focus group meeting will be shared with duty bearers, stakeholders, local communities, unions and professional organizations and will be published on the website of the Queer Cyprus Association. After the completion of these researches following the Expert focus group meeting, module development studies for education and health sectors will commence. . For further information on the studies carried out and any questions, you can contact us by calling the solidarity line of Queer Cyprus Association on 0542 858 58 47 or by writing to e-mail address.